Index of David Woolsey's CfPA Pages

Welcome to the index of my Center for Particle Astrophysics (CfPA) work pages. Here you will find a few resources from my work for Professor Holzapfel through the CfPA at the University of California at Berkeley.

South Pole Telescope (SPT)
Very rough visualization renderings of aspects of the South Pole Telescope's inner workings for use in design discussions held via teleconference. 2004.
Polar Bear
Renderings of an array of detector pixels for the Polar Bear grant proposal. 2003 - 2004.
Renderings of an illustrative model for a proposed telescope for the observation of tensor mode polarization of the cosmic microwave background radiation. This form of polarization is a remnant of the gravity waves resulting from the Big Bang. 2002 - 2004.
Renderings of a focal plane array of bolometers used in the APEX grant proposal. 2001.
I have been working for professor Holzapfel since the summer of 1999 on a number of aspects of the Arcminute Cosmological Bolometric Array Receiver (ACBAR) Renderings of the ACBAR Dewar Electronics Boxes. 1999.
UCB Physics Machine Shop
My pages relating to the UCB Physics Department Machine Shop Pages featuring the CAD import protocols. 1999 (obsolete since new CAM software installed ~2002).


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Page first created Tuesday, June 27, 2000
Page last modified Friday, April 8, 2005 3:10 PM