This collection of kludges is to facilitate the few characters still in play that have access to Traveller style Psionic Talents but who have been migrated out of their starting campaigns. There may also be one or two cases where characters who were not from a Traveller campaign have learned to use PSI Talents. The use of PSI Talents comes in two parts: the character's Psionic Strength Rating (PSR), and the Psionic Talent groups the character can use.

Psionic Strength Rating (PSR) in Hero System is represented by a Multipower Pool driven by an Endurance Reserve. The Pool should be about 5 to 10 Active points (ACT) per point of PSR and the Reserve should be about 5 to 10 Endurance (END) per point of PSR. [The Pool should be closer to 5 than to 10. IÕll have better limits in place in future.] In addition to paying character points for Psionic abilities, all the Traveller restrictions to Psionic Strength, Talents, and Levels should also apply.

Traveller PSR is normally limited to 2D6 minus age penalties of -1 per full four years of age over age 16. However, exceptions do seem to abound.

Traveller PSI Talents are acquired through training by Psionic Masters (or some such) and are determined by a semi-random game mechanic of rolling 2D6 and beating the category's threshold number at the time of training's conclusion. Each roll after the first is at a -1 cumulative modifier. The rolls may be made in any order, and any number of times per category, the player desires.

After the determination o f which categories the character may draw from the character may begin advancing their Talent Level in each of them. The advancement, in Traveller, is determined by throwing 2D6 once per month for each category and beating the advancement threshold number. In this kludge the advancement allows the spending of experience points on the associated Talents and putting them to use, provided there is a large enough Pool and Reserve to draw from. There is no limitation to the rate at which experience can be spent on the Psionic Pool and Reserve (up to the PSR limits of how big those can be).


Brief section index of this page:

PSI Strength | Telepathy | Clairvoyance | Telekinesis | Awareness | Teleportation | Special Talents | Augmentation

There is a Psionic Worksheet to aid in the deployment of PSI Talents available in PDF form as is this page itself.


PSI Strength [cost:______]

Total cost of PSI Talents:______

PSI Multipower Pool

ACT: 5 to 10 / PSR=    END: n/a= 0Points: 2 / ACT=    
Effects: ____ Point Multipower Pool
Description:2 points per 3 ACT pool points:     points =     ACT. This is supposed to be the equivalent of the Traveller PSI characteristic. The Pool should contain about 5 to 10 ACT per PSR, more or less.
  • 1 ACT per PSI Multipower Pool (+0 -0.5 = *2/3)
  • Limitation: to END Reserve: usable ACT points in Pool may be no higher than 2x current Endurance in END Reserve (-1/2)

PSI Points (END Reserve)

ACT: 1 / 10END=    END: 5 to 10 Reserve/PSR=    Points: 1 / 10END=    
Effects: ____ END Reserve (not from Pool)
Description:1 point per 10 END capacity:     points =     ACT. This is the energy reserve for using Traveller PSI talents. The Reserve should contain about 5 to 10 END per PSR, more or less.
  • 1 ACT per 10 END Reserve (+0 -0 = *1)
  • Limitation: Only usable for PSI Talents

PSI Recovery (END Reserve REC)

ACT: 8= 8END: 0= 0Points: 2= 2
Effects: 8 REC per hour after 3rd hour
Description:1 point per 4 REC: 2 points = 10 ACT. This is the standard recovery rate for Traveller PSI Strength (assuming that 1 PSR has an END Reserve of between 5 and 10 associated with it). Not linked to Pool because no REC would be possible if END Reserve went below 1.
  • 1 ACT per 1 Reserve REC (+0 -3 = *1/4)
  • Limitation: Extra time delay: 3 hours from last use until begin REC (-1/2)
  • Limitation: Extra time: 1 hour (-2 1/2)

Telepathy Group [cost:______]

Acquire: 5+; Exp: 8+ = +1L (both 2D6)

Shield (Mental Defense)

ACT: 5 / ECV=    END: 0= 0Points: 3 / 2ECV=    
Effects: lesser of +___ OR +END/5 ECV for defence
Description:3 points per 2 ECV defencive:     points =     ACT. This defense is always on as long as the END Reserve has something in it.
  • 5 ACT per 1 ECV defense (+1.5 -1 *1/5 = *3/10)
  • Advantage: Reduced END cost: 0 (+1/2)
  • Advantage: Persistent (+1/2)
  • Advantage: No special effect (+1/2)
  • Linked: to END Reserve: ACT points may not be higher than END Reserve ACT points (-1/2)
  • Slot: of PSI Multipower (-1/2; x1/5)

Life Detect (Mind Scan)

ACT: 5 / D6=    END: 1 / D6 +0/time=    Points: 8 / 11 D6=    
Effects: ___D6 mind scan with 1 minute duration (time costs paid up front)
Description:8 points per 11 D6 sscan:     points =     ACT.
  • 5 ACT per 1D6 Scan (+1 -1.75 *1/5 = *8/55)
  • Advantage: Reduced END cost: 0 (+1/2)
  • Advantage: No special effect (+1/2)
  • Limitation: Uses END to initiate (-1/4)
  • Limitation: 1 minute max duration (-1)
  • Slot: of PSI Multipower (-1/2; x1/5)

Empathy (Mind Link)

ACT: 15 + 5 /2x#=    END: (3 + 1 / 2x#) /ph=    Points: 9/7 + 3/7 /2x#=    
Effects: 1 or 2 way empathy with up to ___ willing (or ECV 0) minds for 1 minute
Description:9/7 points for 1 mind +3/7 points per 2x number of minds:     points =     ACT.
  • 15 ACT to link to any one mind on world (+0.5 -2.5 *1/5 = *3/35)
    • +5 ACT to double number of minds (+0.5 -2.5 *1/5 = *3/35)
  • Advantage: No special effect: 0 ECV targets not aware of intrusion (+1/2)
  • Limitation: Emotional content only; no words (-1)
  • Limitation: 1 minute max duration (-1)
  • Slot: of PSI Multipower (-1/2; x1/5)

Read Surface Thoughts (Limited Telepathy)

ACT: 5 / D6=    END: 1 / D6 +0/time=    Points: 3 / 7 D6=    
Effects: ___D6 Telepathic read (only) surface thoughts for 1 minute
Description:3 points per & D6 Telepathy:     points =     ACT.
  • No special effect: (+1/2)
  • Advantage: No special effect: (+1/2)
  • Limitation: surface thoughts only (-3/4)
  • Limitation: read thoughts only: no send (-1/4)
  • Limitation: 1 minute duration maximum (-1)
  • Slot: of PSI Multipower (-1/2; x1/5)

Send Surface Thoughts (Limited Telepathy)

ACT: 5 / D6=    END: 1 / D6 +0/time=    Points: 6 / 13 D6=    
Effects: ___D6 Telepathic send (only) surface thoughts for 2 minutes
Description:6 points per 13 D6 Telepathy:     points =     ACT.
  • 5 ACT per 1D6 Telepathy (+0.5 -2.25 *1/5 = *4/65)
  • Advantage: No special effect: (+1/2)
  • Limitation: surface thoughts only (-3/4)
  • Limitation: send thoughts only: no read (-1/4)
  • Limitation: 2 minute duration maximum (-1)
  • Slot: of PSI Multipower (-1/2; x1/5)

Probe (Telepathy)

ACT: 5 / D6=    END: 1 / D6 +0/time=    Points: 4 / 9 D6=    
Effects: ___D6 full Telepathic read and send thoughts for 10 minutes
Description:4 points per 9 D6 Telepathy:     points =     ACT.
  • 5 ACT per 1D6 Telepathy (+0 -1.25 *1/5 = *4/45)
  • Limitation: 10 minute duration maximum (-3/4)
  • Slot: of PSI Multipower (-1/2; x1/5)

Assault (RKA)

ACT: 15 / D6=    END: 6 / D6 Killing=    Points: 48 / 5 D6=    
Effects: ___D6 killing attack, to head with +3 STUN mod
Description:48 points per 5 D6 Killing:     points =     ACT.
  • 15 ACT per 1D6 Ranged Killing Attack (+3 -1.25 *1/5 = *16/25)
  • Advantage: +3 STUN mod (+3/2)
  • Advantage: Attack based on ECV: vs ECV (+1)
  • Advantage: No special effect (+1/2)
  • Limitation: Concentration: 1/2 DCV (-1/4)
  • Limitation: Extra END use: X2 (-1/2)
  • Slot: of PSI Multipower (-1/2; x1/5)

Clairvoyance Group [cost:______]

Acquire: 6+; Exp: 8+ = +1L (both 2D6)

Sense (limited Clairvoyance)

ACT: 20 + 5 / 2xR=    END: 4 + Range=    Points: 8/9 +2/45 /2xR=    
Effects: Range END ≈ log2(range/50 meters)
Description:8/9 + 2/45*____ points for __________ range:     points =     ACT. Ranged perception of a vague "snap shot" impression of a specified location.
Range = 10 * ACT * 2((ACT-20)/5) = 50 * END * 2END meters.
  • ____ACT points total (+0 -3.5 *1/5 = *2/45)
    • 20 ACT points base
    • +5 ACT per 2x Range
    • +___ ACT points for max range of ______ km
  • Limitation: Concentration: 0 DCV (-1/2)
  • Limitation: Increased time: 1 turn (-1)
  • Limitation: Duration: 1 phase (-1)
  • Limitation: Lack of clarity: vague impressions only (-1/2)
  • Slot: of PSI Multipower (-1/2; x1/5)

Direction (Detect "Object")

ACT: 8 + 2/L + 3/x2=    END: 2 + Zoom=    Points: (24 +6/level +9/x2) / 25=    
Effects: Zoom END = 0.6·log2(Zoom)
Description:24/25 + 6/25 per level + 9/25 per 2xZoom = ___ point cost for +___ Perception at ___ zoom factor:     points =     ACT. Find the location of any familiar object.
Range "zoom magnification" factor = 2((ACT-8)/3) = 2(END*5/3).
    • ____ ACT points total (+2 -4 *1/5 = *3/25)
    • 3 ACT points base
    • +___ ACT points for Perception Levels (2 points per PER level)
    • 5 ACT points for Ranged use
    • +___ ACT points for zoom factor ___________ (3 ACT points per 2 Telescopic range levels (2 levels is one factor of 2 zoom))
  • Advantage: Detect and locate any single object (+2)
  • Limitation: Object must be familiar (-1)
  • Limitation: Concentration: 0 DCV (-1/2)
  • Limitation: Increased time: 1 turn (-1)
  • Limitation: Duration: 1 phase (-1)
  • Slot: of PSI Multipower (-1/2; x1/5)

Clairvoyance (Clairsentience)

ACT: 20 + 5 / 2xR=    END: 4 + Range=    Points: 16/15 + 4/75 / 2xRange=    
Effects: Range END ≈ log2(range/50 meters)
Description:16/15 + 4/75*____ points for __________ range:     points =     ACT. Ranged visual perception of a specified location lasting no more than 1 minute.
Range = 10 * ACT * 2((ACT-20)/5) = 50 * END * 2END meters.
  • ____ACT points total (+0 -2.75 *1/5 = *4/75)
    • 20 ACT points base
    • +___ ACT points for max range of ______ km (at +5 ACT per 2x Range)
  • Limitation: Concentration: 1/2 DCV (-1/4)
  • Limitation: Increased time: 1 turn (-1)
  • Limitation: Duration: 1 minute (-1)
  • Slot: of PSI Multipower (-1/2; x1/5)

Clairaudience (Clairsentience)

ACT: 20 + 5 / 2xR=    END: 4 + Range=    Points: 16/15 + 4/75 / 2xRange=    
Effects: Range END ≈ log2(range/50 meters)
Description: 16/15 + 4/75*____ points for __________ range:     points =     ACT. Ranged audio perception of a specified location lasting no more than 1 minute.
Range = 10 * ACT * 2((ACT-20)/5) = 50 * END * 2END meters.
  • ____ACT points total (+0 -2.75 *1/5 = *4/75)
    • 20 ACT points base
    • +___ ACT points for max range of ______ km (at +5 ACT per 2x Range)
  • Limitation: Concentration: 1/2 DCV (-1/4)
  • Limitation: Increased time: 1 turn (-1)
  • Limitation: Duration: 1 minute (-1)
  • Slot: of PSI Multipower (-1/2; x1/5)

Combined Clairvoyance and Clairaudience (Clairsentience)

ACT: 20 + 5 / 2xR=    END: 4 + Range=    Points: 16/13 + 4/65 / 2xRange=    
Effects: Range END ≈ log2(range/50 meters)
Description: 16/13 + 4/65*____ points for __________ range:     points =     ACT. Ranged audio-visual perception of a specified location lasting no more than 5 minutes.
Range = 10 * ACT * 2((ACT-20)/5) = 50 * END * 2END meters.
  • ____ACT points total (+0 -2.25 *1/5 = *4/65)
    • 20 ACT points base
    • +___ ACT points for max range of ______ km (at +5 ACT per 2x Range)
  • Limitation: Increased time: 1 turn (-1)
  • Limitation: Duration: 5 minutes (-3/4)
  • Slot: of PSI Multipower (-1/2; x1/5)

Telekinesis Group [cost:______]

Acquire: 6+; Exp: 8+ = +1L (both 2D6)


ACT: 5 / 2STR=    END: 1 / 2STR=    Points: 3= 3
Description:3 points for scaled STR of 10: 3 points = 25 ACT. Note here that Traveller TK is about as oppositely designed from Hero TK as it could be. Hero emphasizes strength over manipulation and allows partial manipulation of targets (example: lifting up target by its head and let the body dangle is possible under Hero but not under Traveller). The minimum Hero TK STR of 10 rule is also at variance since the max Traveller TK is 100kg Ñ which is STR 10. Bearing all this in mind here is the kludge: the Hero Telekinetic strength (TK STR) must be bought at STR 10 but may only be used according to the character's TK level (see table).
  • 25 + ___ = ___ ACT points total for scaled 10 STR (+0 -0.75 *1/5 = *4/35)
    • 15 ACT for 10 STR
    • +10 ACT for fine manipulation (roll = 9 + (total TK ACT)/5)
  • +3 ACT per +2 STR (no extra STR may be bought without special permission)
  • Limitation: Effects all of target (-1/4)
  • Slot: of PSI Multipower (-1/2; x1/5)
Telekinetic Levels and associated STR mods
 TK Level12345678910
 max force1gm10gm100gm300gm1kg2kg5kg10kg30kg100kg
 STR mod-83-66-50-42-33-28-21-16-80
 max STR-73-56-40-32-23-18-11-6210

Awareness Group [cost:______]

Acquire: 7+; Exp: 10+ = +1L (both 2D6)

Suspension (Suspended Animation)

ACT: 15= 15END: 3 + 0/time= 3Points: 1= 1
Effects: 1 week suspended animation
Description:9/10 point: 1 point = 15 ACT. "cold sleep" style suspended animation. May be woken up as if sleeping or after 1 week — whichever comes first.
  • 15 ACT points total (+0.5 -1.5 *1/10 = *3/50)
    • 10 ACT points for Life Support: self-contained breathing (almost)
    • 5 ACT points for Life Support: no food, etc.
  • Advantage: Reduced END cost: 0 to use (+1/2)
  • Limitation: Uses END to start suspension (-1/4)
  • Limitation: Uses some breathing: breathe at 1/60 rate (-1/4)
  • Limitation: "Concentration": 0 DCV (-1/2)
  • Ultra: of PSI Multipower (-1/2; x1/10)

STR Boost

ACT: 1 / STR=    END: 1/STR + 1/5STR used=    Points: 6 / 55STR=    
Effects: 1 hour boost to STR and depend. chars. Maximum allowed boost is +10 STR
Description:6 points per 55 STR:     points =     ACT. There is an END cost to initiate the Talent and additional END cost, as ordinary STR (1 END per 5 STR used), which comes from the END Reserve, instead of the character's END, as the additional STR is used. There is no ongoing END cost to boost your STR and then not use the extra STR.
Remember that strength costs 2 ACT / STR over species maximum (adjust costs accordingly).
  • 1 ACT per STR (+0.5 -1.75 *1/5 = *6/55)
  • Advantage: Reduced END cost: 0 to maintain (+1/2)
  • Limitation: Use END to initiate (-1/4)
  • Limitation: Increased END use: X5 to initiate (-1)
  • Limitation: Use of this STR draws END from Reserve (-1/2)
  • Limitation: Duration: 1 hour (-1/2)
  • Slot: of PSI Multipower (-1/2; x1/5)

CON Boost

ACT: 2 / CON=    END: 2 / CON +0/time=    Points: 12 / 85CON=    
Effects: 1 hour boost to CON and depend. chars. Maximum allowed boost is +10 CON
Description:12 points per 85 CON:     points =     ACT.
  • 2 ACT per CON (+0.5 -2.25 *1/5 = *6/85)
  • Advantage: Reduced END cost: 0 to maintain (+1/2)
  • Limitation: Use END to initiate (-1/4)
  • Limitation: Increased END use: X5 to initiate (-1)
  • Limitation: Duration: 1 hour (-1/2)
  • Slot: of PSI Multipower (-1/2; x1/5)

Regeneration (BODY Aid & Regeneration)

ACT: 10 + 5 / DC=    END: 2 / DC + 1/segment=    Points: 1/2DC + 1/25DCmax + 2/3=    
Effects: regenerate 1 DC / segment; ___ DC total maximum (regeneration time 1 minute / 5DC)
Description:1/2 point per DC AID (__ points) + 1/25 point per added max (__ point) + 2/3 points:     points =     ACT. Kludge of rapid regeneration with duration limit based on effort expended from PSI Strength. The Aid is applied for short term while the Regeneration replaces for long term.
  • 5 ACT per 1D6 Aid +1 ACT per 2 add max +10 ACT points
  • Aid — 1 point per 2 DC Normal: ___ points
    • 5 ACT points per DC Aid (max = 3 BODY per 5 ACT points) (+0.5 -2 *1/5 = *1/10)
    • Advantage: Cumulative effect (+1/2)
    • Limitation: Self only (-1/4)
    • Limitation: Only to restore lost characteristics (-1/2)
    • Limitation: Only to restore BODY and STUN (-1/4)
    • Limitation: Time delay: 1 seg per D6 (-1/2)
    • Slot: of PSI Multipower (-1/2; x1/5)
  • Aid Max — 1 point per 25 additional Aid Maximum: ___ points
    • +1 ACT point per 2 additional max (+0 -1.5 *1/5 = *2/25)
    • Limitation: Self only (-1/4)
    • Limitation: Only to restore lost characteristics (-1/2)
    • Limitation: Only to restore BODY and STUN (-1/4)
    • Slot: of PSI Multipower (-1/2; x1/5)
  • Regeneration: 2/3 points
    • 10 ACT points [remember: no END cost] (+0 -2 *1/5 = *1/15)
    • Limitation: Duration: 1 turn per 1D6 Aid (-1)
    • Linked: to Aid (-1/2)
    • Slot: of PSI Multipower (-1/2; x1/5)

Teleportation Group [cost:______]

Acquire: 9+; Exp: 12+ = +1L (both 2D6)

Teleportation in Traveller is restricted to the teleporting character and very small carried loads. Teleport is not used on others except if the Special talent 'Teleport Others' is available. Also, Traveller teleportation allows the rapid acquisition of the required knowledge of the destination so the 'floating location' option must be included.

Teleporting (horizontal) to distances of over 5km require DEX roll to not stumble, beyond 50km will cause disorientation for a turn, and beyond 500 km will likely result in injury or death.

Vertical teleportation can be extremely dangerous due to induced hypothermia (going up makes you cold) or hyperthermia (going down makes you hot). The induced temperature change from elevation change will be 2.3 degrees C (or 4.2 degrees F) per 1000 meters elevation change. The damage (as normal energy attack) from this thermal shock will be about 1 DC for a full 10 meter change and +1 DC for every doubling of height.

Teleport Self (limited Teleportation)

ACT: 25 + 5 / 2xR=    END: 5 + 1 / 2xRange=    Points: 4 + 2/5 * log2(Rmax/640m)=    
Effects: teleport self only to a maximum range of __________km
Description:2 points + 2/5 points per range double beyond 20 meters: 4 points = 50 ACT is the minimum level 5 teleport you can buy (max range = 640 m). Teleport self only without clothing or anything else (consider yourself lucky to retain your fillings). Teleport is a whole phase action.
  • 25 ACT total for basic Teleport with 20 meter range (+0 -1.5 *1/5 = *2/25)
    • 20 ACT for basic Teleport with 20 meter base range
    • +5 ACT for "Floating Location" option (mandatory)
  • +105 ACT for enough range to go the Traveller maximum of 50,000 km (each -5 ACT halves the max range)
  • Limitation: No carry capacity: may not carry anything (-1)
  • Slot: of PSI Multipower (-1/2; x1/5)

Teleport Self + Item (limited Teleportation)

ACT: 25 + 5 / 2xR=    END: 5 + 1 / 2xRange=    Points: 6 + 1/2 * log2(Rmax/10km)=    
Effects: teleport self + small (~1kg) item to a maximum range of __________km
Description:3 points + 1/2 points per range double beyond 20 meters: 6 points = 70 ACT is the minimum level 7 teleport you can buy (max range = 10 km). Teleport self and one single item of not more than 1 kg or so. Teleport is a whole phase action.
  • 25 ACT total for basic Teleport with 20 meter range (+0 -1 *1/5 = *1/10)
    • 20 ACT for basic Teleport with 20 meter base range
    • +5 ACT for "Floating Location" option (mandatory)
  • +105 ACT for enough range to go the Traveller maximum of 50,000 km (each -5 ACT halves the max range)
  • Limitation: Limited carry capacity: may carry only 1 small item (-1/2)
  • Slot: of PSI Multipower (-1/2; x1/5)

Teleport Self + Load (Teleportation)

ACT: 25 + 5 / 2xR=    END: 5 + 1 / 2xRange=    Points: 12 + 2/3 * log2(Rmax/164km)=    
Effects: teleport self + STR-20 load to a maximum range of __________km
Description:3 points + 2/3 points per range double beyond 20 meters: 12 points = 90 ACT is the minimum level 7 teleport you can buy (max range = 164 km). Teleport self and a light load of items of not more than character's STR-20 capacity. Teleport is a whole phase action.
  • 25 ACT total for basic Teleport with 20 meter range (+0 -0.5 *1/5 = *2/15)
    • 20 ACT for basic Teleport with 20 meter base range
    • +5 ACT for "Floating Location" option (mandatory)
  • +105 ACT for enough range to go the Traveller maximum of 50,000 km (each -5 ACT halves the max range)
  • Slot: of PSI Multipower (-1/2; x1/5)
Teleportation Levels and associated Range and Carry Limits
 Teleport Level123456789
 Range (meters)1550050k50M50M50M50M50M

Special Talents Group [cost:______]

Acquire: 9+; Exp: 12+ = +1L (both 2D6)

The PSI-Special Talent is really a catch-all category for all the non-standard Traveller Psionic Talents. Some Special Talents are much more common than others. See the separate PSI-Specials description document for details of the individual Talents.

The PSI-Specials document is not meant to be a complete catalog of Talents so it will be revised as needed.

Augmentation [cost:______]

Traveller PSI-Drugs

Warning:The over-use of PSI-Drugs can be hazardous. If used three times in three days, or four times in one week, then there is a risk (9+ on 2D6) of an overdose reaction occurring within six hours. If the overdose occurs then the user becomes seriously ill for many hours (1DC per hour for 1D6+1 hours) and will very likely suffer a reduction in their Psionic Strength Rating (-1 PSR unless 10+ on 2D6).
Traveller PSI-Booster (END Reserve)
Cost: Cr1000; Avail: 8+ (2D6)
ACT: 2 per dose=    END: +25 (or +15) /dose=    Points: 1 / dose=    
Effects: additional +25 (or +15) END Reserve
Description:1 point per 25 END capacity: 1 point = 3 ACT. Booster is the most basic of the PSI-Drugs. Available in pill form it will increase the END Reserve by +25 if taken before any PSI activity or by +15 END if the Reserve is not already full (+25 END to full END Reserve +15 END otherwise). It lasts only an hour after which its additional END Reserve goes away (yes you can go below zero END Reserve Ñ it just takes longer to recover). Additional doses have no effect if taken within the hour.
  • 1 ACT per 10 END Reserve (+0 -1.5 = *2/5)
  • Limitation: Not cumulative with more reserves like it: use highest value only (-1/2)
  • Limitation: Only usable for PSI Talents (-1/2)
  • Focus: IAF (-1/2)
Traveller PSI-Double (END Reserve)
Cost: Cr4000; Avail: 10+ (2D6)
ACT: 5 per dose=    END: +50 (or +30) /dose=    Points: 2 / dose=    
Effects: additional +50 (or +30) END Reserve
Description:1 point per 25 END capacity: 2 points = 5 ACT. Double is a more potent version of Booster. It will increase the END Reserve by +50 if taken before any PSI activity or by +30 END if taken after. It is otherwise identical to Booster.
  • 1 ACT per 10 END Reserve (+0 -1.5 = *2/5)
  • Limitation: Not cumulative with more reserves like it: use highest value only (-1/2)
  • Limitation: Only usable for PSI Talents (-1/2)
  • Focus: IAF (-1/2)
Traveller PSI-Special (END Reserve)
Cost: Cr10000; Avail: 12+ (2D6)
ACT: 16 per dose=    END: 165 maximum=    Points: 3 per dose=    
Effects: up to 165 END Reserve
Description:1 point per 55 END capacity: 3 points = 16.5 ACT. Special is the most effective of the PSI-Drugs. It will increase the user's END Reserve at a rate of +10 END per hour until psionic activity is undertaken or until the Reserve reaches 150 END, whichever happens first. After the increase is halted the Reserve will remain at it's current level, presuming it doesn't get put to use, for 4 hours and then decrease by -10 END per hour until down to 0 END Reserve. After the Reserve bottoms out the normal recovery cycle begins.
  • 1 ACT per 10 END Reserve (+0 -4.5 = *2/11)
  • Limitation: Inconvenient form: injection drug (-1/4)
  • Limitation: Extra time: 1 hour per 10 END Reserve gained (-2 1/2)
  • Limitation: Not additive to user's own END Reserve: use highest value only (-1/4)
  • Limitation: Not cumulative with more reserves like it: use highest value only (-1/2)
  • Limitation: Only usable for PSI Talents (-1/2)
  • Focus: IAF (-1/2)

Traveller PSI-Amplifiers

Traveller Confederation PSI Stones (END Reserve)
ACT: 5 / 4PSR=    END: +25 / 2PSR=    Points: 1 / 2PSR=    
Effects: +____ point END Reserve (round up to nearest 5).
Description:1 point per 25 END capacity:     points =     ACT. PSI Stones are amplifiers that act to enhance the efficiency of Psionic expenditure. PSI Stone conversion rate is 1 point per 2 PSI Strength rating. PSI Stones recover through the user's REC similar to an extra "storage tank."
  • 1 ACT per 10 END Reserve (+0 -1.5 = *2/5)
  • Limitation: Not cumulative with more reserves like it: use highest value only (-1/2)
  • Limitation: Only usable for PSI Talents (-1/2)
  • Focus: IAF (-1/2)

Page first created, July 24, 2000
Page last modified Friday, June 01, 2001 7:59 PM