Cartidge Ammunition: Shotguns

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.410 ga. 000 buckshot2.5"102x1d603x5.0400group hits
.410 ga. slug2.5"211.5d615.7560 
.410 ga. Magnum birdshot3"105x1 pt. 0132x0.15350group hits
.410 ga. Magnum 000 buckshot3"103x1d604x5.040group hits
12 ga. 00 buckshot2.75"104x1d609x4.0400group hits
12 ga. #4 shot2.75"104x1d6-112x1.3400group hits
12 ga. slug2.75"102d6+1235.4495 
12 ga. #4 Teleshot2.75"104x1/2 d6-112x1.3140group hits
12 ga. 16mm Zytel balls2.75"102x3d6Nn/a2x3430group hits
12 ga. steel core slug2.75"222d6+1235500AP
12 ga. bolo slugs (12cm wire)2.75"2-12x2d622x21500 
12 ga. carpet tacks (dmg range 4")2.75"105x1 pt.060x0.15430group hits
12 ga. flechettes2.75"295x1/2d6020x0.5580group hits
12 ga. dual slugs (dmg range 25")2.75"2-12x2d622x21500group hits
12 ga. HE slug2.75"202d6+1325540fin stabilized
12 ga. slug2.75"2-62d6+1332510JHP
12 ga. rubber ferret2.75"105d6Nn/a15330 
12 ga. sintered lead2.75"1-22d6338.5365 
12 ga. thermite (-1d6/3", 3"w@8")2.75"1015d6Nn/a15.6?energy damage
12 ga. Zytel 0 buckshot2.75"105x1d6Nn/a16x0.4430group hits
12 ga. Magnum 00 buckshot3"104x1d6012x4.0400group hits
12 ga. Magnum slug3"202d6+1235.4535 
12 ga. Magnum sabot slug3"242d6+1228.8560APDS
12 ga. Magnum steel 00 buckshot3"134x1d6+1-112x3.2400group hits
12 ga. Magnum tungsten sabot3"252d6+1228560APDS
12 ga. Magnum baton3"1-208d6Nn/a6400 
12 ga. Magnum shaped charge3"434d6-1415.6550HEAP
12 ga. Ultramag steel 0 buckshot3.5"235x1d6+1-115x3.2400group hits
12 ga. CAW sabotCAW3122d6+115.71270APDS
12 ga. CAW flechetteCAW294x1d6+108x1.8715group hits
12 ga. CAW tungsten buckshotCAW274x1d6+1-18x3.63564group hits
10 ga. 0 buckshot3.5"105x1d6016x3.2405group hits
10 ga. slug3.5"102d6+1250390 

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Document last modified Friday, June 01, 2001