- Agriculture
- Aircraft
- Animal Husbandry
- Architecture (specific)
- Area/Location (specific)
- Art (or specific)
- Finance
- Chem-Bio-Rad Warfare
- Chess
- Collecting (specific)
- Culture (specific)
- Defensive Positions
- Diagnosis
- Drug Trafficking
- Economics/Finance
- Heraldry
- History (or specific)
- Illegal Gaming
- Labor Organizations
- Law (or specific)
- Business Law
- Civil Law
- Credit Law
- Criminal Law
- Military Law
- Procedural Law
- Space Law
- Tax Law
- Library Use
- Marketing
- Martial Art (specific)
- Military
- Military Theory
- Nuclear Weapons
- Orienteering
- Pharmaceuticals
- Philosophy
- Politics
- Psychological Warfare
- Ships, Small Boats (or specific)
- Songs (or specific)
- Space Survival
- Tax Evasion
- Tea Ceremony
- Theology
- Traps & Snares
- Vineology
- Wardrobe & Style
- Accountant
- Aerial Operations
- Aircraft Mechanic
- Android Repair
- Architect
- Armorer
- Artilleryman
- Artist (specific)
- Astrogation
- Astrologer
- Athlete (specific)
- Automotive Mechanic
- Balloonist
- Banker
- Barber
- Bartender
- Billiards
- Blacksmith
- Brewer
- Butcher
- Carpenter
- Cartographer
- Clerk
- Clock Maker
- Cobbler
- Cook
- Cooper
- Corporate Manager
- Cybertechnician
- Dancer
- Diplomat
- Diver
- Editor
- Electrician
- Engineer (as in operating)
- Engraver
- Exterminator
- Farmer
- Fence (Loot)
- Firefighter
- Fisher
- Forward Observer
- Gardener
- Herbalist
- Housekeeper
- Interior Decorator
- Janitor
- Jester
- Jeweler
- Journalist
- Law Enforcement
- Lawyer
- Leatherworker
- Librarian
- Locksmith
- Mason
- Miner
- Mine Warfare
- Mountaineering
- Musician (specific)
- Phone Operator
- Photographer
- Plumber
- Radiotelephone Operator
- Rigger (parachutes)
- Sail Maker
- Salesman
- Seaman
- Secretary
- Shiphandling
- Singer (specific)
- Tailor
- Teamster
- Technical Writer
- Trader
- Undertaker
- Valet
- Waiter
- Weaver
- Writer
- X-Ray Technician
- obviously, these vary by campaign
- Alchemy [KS]
- Artifacting [KS]
- Conjuring [Ego]
- Cthulhu Mythos [KS]
- Demonology [KS]
- Earth Magic [KS]
- Elemental Magic [KS]
- Enchanting [Gen]
- Faerie Lore [KS]
- Hermetic Arts [KS]
- Hermetic Circles [KS]
- Magical Theory [KS]
- Necromancy [KS]
- Occult [KS]
- Shamanistic Arts [KS]
- Shaman Lodges [KS]
- Sorcery [Int]
- Spell Research [Int]
- Talismonger [PS]
- Voodoo [KS]
- Witchcraft [KS]
- Dark Vision [10]
- Extra Perception
- Extra Running
- Extra Swimming
- Infrared _Night_ Vision [5]
- Jack of All Trades
- Linguist
- Scholar
- Scientist
- Traveller
- Well-Connected
- Anthropology (or specific)
- Archaeology
- Cultural Anthropology
- Linguistics & Semantics
- Psychology
- Physical Anthropology
- Sociology & Sociodynamics
- Biology (or specific)
- Bacteriology
- Botany
- Ecology
- Marine Biology
- Molecular Biology
- Paleontology
- Zoology
- Chemistry (or specific)
- Biochemistry
- Geochemistry
- Metallurgy
- Engineering (or specific)
- Aerospace
- Chemical
- Civil, Structural, & Mining
- Electronic & Computer
- Mechanical
- Marine & Undersea
- Nuclear
- Prosthetics
- Robotics
- Mathematics (or specific)
- Algebra
- Analysis
- Geometry
- Info. & Network Theory
- Robopsychology
- Statistics & Probability
- Topology
- Medicine (or specific)
- Biophysics
- Dentistry
- Genetics
- Immunology
- Pathology
- Pharmacology
- Physiology
- Toxicology
- Veterinary
- Physics (or specific)
- Astronomy
- Astrophysics
- General Theory
- Gravitics
- Nuclear Physics
- Planetology (or specific)
- Ecology
- Geology
- Meteorology
- Oceanography
- Xenology (or specific)
- Xenobiology
- Xenolinguistics
- Xenopsychology
- Acrobatics [Dex]
- Acting [Pre]
- Breakfall [Dex]
- Bribery [Pre]
- Bugging [Int]
- Bureaucratics [Pre]
- Climbing [Str/Dex]
- Combat Driving [Dex]
- Combat Parachutist [Dex]
- Combat Pilot [Dex]
- Computer Programing [Int]
- Concealment [Int]
- Contortionist [Dex]
- Conversation [Pre]
- Corporate Etiquette [Pre]
- Criminology [Int]
- Cryptography [Int]
- Deduction [Int]
- Fast Draw [Dex]
- Forensic Medicine [Int]
- High Society [Pre]
- Hypnosis [Pre]
- Interrogation [Pre]
- Inventor [Int]
- Lock Picking [Dex]
- Oratory [Pre]
- Paramedic [Int]
- Persuasion [Pre]
- Riding [Dex]
- Scrounging [Int]
- Security Systems [Int]
- Seduction [Pre]
- Sleight of Hand [Dex]
- Stealth [Dex]
- Streetwise [Pre]
- Systems Operation [Int]
- Tactics [Int]
- Tracking [Int]
- Trading [Pre]
- Tribeways [Pre]
- Animal Handler
- Demolitions
- Disguise
- Electronics
- Forgery
- Gambling
- Instructor
- Lip Reading
- Mechanic
- Mimicry
- Navigation
- Shadowing
- Survival/Hunting
- Ventriloquism
- Weaponsmith (specific)
- Abs. Time Sense [3]
- Ambidexterity [3]
- Animal Friend [5]
- Body Toughness [10]
- Bump of Direction [3]
- Cramming [5]
- Danger Sense [10+]
- Defense Maneuver [5]
- Double Jointed [3]
- Eidetic Memory [10]
- Find Weakness [10+]
- Immunity [1-3]
- Light Sleeper [3]
- Lighting Calculator [3]
- Luck [5-15+]
- Perfect Pitch [3]
- Resistance [3+]
- Simulate Death [3]
- Speed Reading [3]
- Universal Translator [20+]
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