Generic AFV Penetration Table

16minor chassis/hull: cosmetic damage only|cargo takes pen. DC
17minor systems: 1 disabled: sensor|commo|lifesupport|etc.
18minor powerplant: 1/2 power, fl speed
19minor crew: 1 crew takes pen. DC, Body- to be Killing Attack
20minor fuel/ammo: lose 3d6x5% of 1 fuel/ammo type; 8- for ignition
21minor suspension: 3/4 speed, -3 to control
22minor armament: disable minor wpn.|-1 OCV, 11- act. major wpn.
23major chassis/hull: 1 hatch or turret jammed in current position
24major systems: disable all: commo|sensors|other systems
25major powerplant: 1/4 power, 1/2 speed, 8- disabled if control roll req.
26major crew: 1d6 crew take pen. DC, Body- to be Killing Attack
27major fuel/ammo: lose 3d6x10% of 1 fuel/ammo type; 11- for ignition
28major suspension: -1 SPD, -6 to control, 1/2 speed
29major armament: main sights disabled, Ø OCV if moving, 11- act., 1/2 ROF
30critical chassis/hull: halve DEF over 1 location (roll again w/same DC)
31critical systems: all systems out; emergency controls only (-6 all rolls)
32critical powerplant: powerplant dead
33critical crew: all crew take pen. DC, Body- to be Killing Attack
34critical fuel/ammo: all (of one type) destroyed, 14- ignite
35critical suspension: no controlled movement, possible crash
36critical armament: disable all armament in 1 mounting area (e.g., turret)
37+subtract 1 from pen. DC, and roll twice with the new pen. DC

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Document last modified Friday, June 01, 2001