L is the inductance per unit length.
C is The shunt capacitance (between the conductors) per unit length.
R is the series resistance of the conductors (both) per unit Length.
G is the shunt conductance from dielectric losses per unit length.
mu = mu0 mur is the permeability
e = epsilon' - j epsilon'' is the permitivity
epsilon' is the real part of the permitivity
epsilon'' the complex part of the permitivity
Rs = (omega mu / 2 sigma)0.5 is the skin resistance
dels = (2 / omega mu sigma)0.5 is the skin depth
omega is the frequency in radians per second
Z0 = (L / C)0.5 is the loss less impedance.
(mu0 / epsilon0)0.5 = 377 ohms is the intrinsic impedance of free-space.
Coaxial |
Two-Wire |
Parallel Plate |