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Previous Versions of the Dewar Electonics Box (3-port)

Version 1.4

Electonics Box version 1.4. Note the addition of the Cable Connector Annex breakout box.

Electonics Box version 1.4 with lid open.

Electonics Box version 1.4 shown in cutaway. This is the same rendering as used on the poster in 1999.

Version 1.1

Electonics Box version 1.1. Note the removal of external ribbing on lid in favor of the interior being "cut out" to make more vertical room inside the connector housing.

Electonics Box version 1.1 with lid open.

Version 0.9.1

Electronics Box version 0.9.1 with lid closed.

Version 0.9.1 with lid open.

Version 0.5

This is one of the earliest renderings of the box. It is of version 0.5.

This is version 0.5 in cutaway. This early version rendering helped to show how large the box was turning out to be and prompted us to check for collisions and interferance with other assemblies. Collisions wer found and changes were made.

Reload the entire frameset or go up one level to the new (finalized) versions.

Page first created Tuesday, June 27, 2000
Page last modified Friday, June 20, 2003 3:27 PM