Index of David Woolsey's CfPA Pages
Welcome to the index of my Center for Particle Astrophysics (CfPA) work pages. Here you will find a few
resources from my work for Professor Holzapfel through the CfPA at the
University of California at Berkeley.
- South Pole Telescope (SPT)
- Very rough visualization renderings of
aspects of the South Pole Telescope's inner workings for use in design
discussions held via teleconference. 2004.
- Polar Bear
- Renderings of an array of detector
pixels for the Polar Bear grant proposal. 2003 - 2004.
- Renderings of an illustrative model for a
proposed telescope for the observation of tensor mode polarization of the
cosmic microwave background radiation. This form of polarization is a
remnant of the gravity waves resulting from the Big Bang. 2002 - 2004.
- Renderings of a focal plane array of
bolometers used in the APEX grant proposal. 2001.
- I have been working for professor Holzapfel since the summer of 1999 on
a number of aspects of the Arcminute Cosmological Bolometric Array Receiver
(ACBAR) Renderings of the ACBAR Dewar Electronics Boxes.
- UCB Physics Machine Shop
- My pages relating to the UCB Physics Department Machine Shop Pages featuring the CAD import
protocols. 1999 (obsolete since new CAM software installed ~2002).
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