This is a temporary index page for my physics directories. This list and pair of
directories are still under construction but soon there will be actual
physics papers and links within this directory as well as the links to the UCB
Physics items below. For now here are a few links to off-site resources and
interesting things.
General Interest Physics Pages
Simple Ideas Inspired By Colloquia, Lectures, Discussions, Etc.
When I attend lectures such as physics colloquia and such one "sport" I try to
play is to think of novel, but workable, ideas about the subject material
presented. I seem to have a fairly decent "hit rate" in this sport but very few
of the ideas actually make it onto a record of any sort (probably just lazy).
Here is a very small selection of ideas from the past. I'm going to try to write
up more of them for posting.
Be warned though, they are mostly in an unfinished state.
- The Death Star: A How
To is a fanciful "how to" on building the Death Star's
planet busting ray gun.
- Neutrino Telescope
is an idea for an ultra-low energy neutrino detector inspired by a lecture
given by M. Koshiba. It won't work but researching it it was a fun
- W-Fiber are some thoughts on losses in a special type of
optical fiber (called "W"-Fiber).
- Thoughts about Io
- Water Cannon is an
idea for a long range water projector. It was inspired by a discussion with
Prof. Muller because he was trying to think of a way to use the engine power
of a nuclear submarine to get water from the bay to the hills to fight
General Interest Physics Links
Right now these links are in need of adding, updating, sorting, and ordering...
Adrian Thompson's Hardware Evolution Page has some very interesting
information on the experements he conducted in "breeding" electronic
circuits using evolutionary methods. There are many references and links on
his page.
- NASA's SkyView
Virtual Observatory on the Net. This site generates images of any part
of the sky at wavelengths in all regimes from Radio to Gamma-Ray. Very
useful for research.
- NASA's Liftoff site has Earthbound satellite tracking pages where the positions of many of
the clutter of artificial satellites may be predicted and plotted.
- The Harvard-Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory's Principle of
Equivalence Measurement (PoEM). This is an experiment being constructed
to test the limits of the principle of equivalence found in the theory of
General Relativity. They are using a Laboratory for Science Model 220
Ultra-Stable Laser which I built way back in 1989. It's hard to believe
there are no He-Ne lasers of similar performance available today.
- An amusing Discover
article written about science cranks.
Some local science and engineering reference materails (stolen from elsewhere).