Index of USGS 7.5' Idaho DEMs

image map of Idaho

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boundary ridge pegram creek bear lake north saint charles egan basin mapleton franklin weston weston canyon henderson creek samaria grover canyon co-op spring stone the cove black pine black pine peak strevell naf chokecherry canyon jim sage canyon almo lyman pass blue hill ibex peak mahogany butte timber butte big creek ranch magic hot springs norton canyon browns bench south taylor canyon curtis draw three creek murphy hot springs dishpan cowan reservoir triplet butte black leg creek indian hay meadows three forks mountain view lake juniper basin se juniper basin four corners bull camp butte coyote hole star valley border pegram dingle paris paris peak mink creek riverdale banida clifton malad city east malad city west ireland springs sheep creek spring holbrook badger hole spring juniper sweetzer canyon sandrock canyon bridge kane canyon elba cache peak basin oakley severe spring trapper peak pike mountain hopper gulch rogerson salmon butte browns bench north cedar creek reservoir grassy hills salls crossing mosquito lake butte poison butte the arch triguero lake antelope creek buckhorn riddle flying h ranch ross lake jarvis pasture piute basin east piute basin west grassy ridge spring creek basin geneva montpelier canyon montpelier ovid midnight mountain oneida narrows reservoir treasureton swan lake oxford malad summit elkhorn peak daniels buist cedarhill roy sublett troughs sublett reservoir sublett malta nibbs creek connor ridge mount harrison marion se marion buckhorn canyon rams horn ridge grand view peak mcmullen basin hollister hollister sw roseworth se roseworth big bend crossing coonskin butte juniper butte clover butte south inside lakes indian hot springs buster butte grasmere reservoir little blue table nichol flat shoofly springs battle creek lakes dickshooter ridge brace flat red basin bull basin camp meade peak georgetown nounan north canyon thatcher thatcher hill cottonwood peak downey east downey west wakley peak dairy creek arbon deep creek peak roy ne hartley peak north heglar canyon south chapin mountain malta ne idahome albion view kenyon burley butte milner butte murtaugh stricker butte hub butte berger berger butte roseworth ne tuanna butte coonskin butte ne horse butte juniper ranch clover butte north stiff tree draw cave draw blackstone reservoir grasmere wickahoney point turner table lost valley frying pan basin dickshooter reservoir castro table smith creek bedstead ridge elk valley snowdrift mountain harrington peak fossil canyon soda peak grace grace power plant sedgwick peak lava hot springs arimo hawkins bradley mountain pauline bannock peak rockland east rockland west badger peak north chapin mountain lake walcott se lake walcott sw rupert se rupert burley burley sw milner eden kimberly twin falls filer clover buhl balanced rock castleford butte crows nest crows nest butte hodge station winter camp austin butte table butte wickahoney crossing hill pasture sugarloaf crab spring butte big springs ranch wagon box basin slack mountain pleasant valley fairylawn sage valley stewart flat dry valley johnson creek soda springs alexander talmage bancroft haystack mountain mccammon scout mountain clifton creek flatiron hill sawmill creek indian springs neeley register rock gifford spring lake walcott east lake walcott west acequia rupert nw burley ne burley nw eden ne hunt twin falls ne falls city jerome niagara springs thousand springs yahoo creek crows nest ne notch butte black butte east black butte west pot hole butte crowbar gulch broken wagon flat hole in rock big horse basin gap o x lake snow creek clover mountain hurry up creek wickiup creek indian meadows cliffs diamond flat upper valley lower valley china hat the dip hatch chesterfield bear camp gulch bonneville peak inkom pocatello south michaud creek wheatgrass bench american falls american falls sw pillar butte se rattlesnake butte schodde well minidoka max norland kimama kimama butte owinza butte star lake shoshone se shoshone sw gooding se wendell tuttle hagerman indian butte twentymile butte grindstone butte pot hole canyon pence butte hot springs sugar valley little valley chalk hills purjue canyon rough mountain pixley basin triangle reservoir triangle flat combination ridge williams creek stump peak wayan east wayan west henry reservoir mountain grizzly creek chesterfield reservoir jeff cabin creek south putnam mountain moonlight mountain pocatello north michaud schiller aberdeen american falls nw pillar butte ne pillar butte bear trap cave brigham point larkspur park community lake shale butte senter owinza dietrich butte dietrich shoshone tunupa gooding gooding butte bliss ticeska pasadena valley glenns ferry hammett indian cove bruneau dunes bruneau c j strike dam grand view vinson wash rough mountain ne antelope spring toy pass cinnabar mountain flint stonehouse creek tincup mountain caribou mountain bear island little valley hills meadow creek mountain paradise valley dunn basin lincoln peak yandell springs buckskin basin fort hall pingree springfield big fill reservoir coffee point sw mosby well mosby butte mule butte bear park sw bottleneck lake laidlaw lake halfway lake black ridge crater pagari richfield kinzie butte mammoth cave thorn creek se thorn creek sw mckinney butte davis mountain sw hog creek king hill morrow reservoir hot springs creek reservoir reverse mountain home south crater rings se crater rings sw dorsey butte jackass butte castle butte oreana sinker canyon silver city de lamar swisher mountain poker peak big elk mountain herman homer valley long valley poison creek miner creek higham peak lincoln creek blackfoot moreland rockford springfield nw coffee point ne coffee point split top antelope lake bear park east bear park west bear den butte laidlaw butte wagon butte pagari well tikura tapper lake shoshone ice cave summit reservoir thorn creek reservoir mchan reservoir fir grove mountain davis mountain dempsey meadows deer heaven mountain goodman flat bennett mountain teapot dome mountain home north crater rings cinder cone butte little joe butte big foot butte wild horse butte sinker butte murphy reynolds rooster comb peak captain butte mount baird palisades dam red ridge commissary ridge castle rock jumpoff hill bone wolverine goshen firth rose baldy knoll olsen taber lava lake reservoir rock butte sunset lake serviceberry butte pratt butte fissure butte north laidlaw butte little park paddelford flat carey picabo gannett magic reservoir east magic reservoir west macon spring creek reservoir fairfield corral hill city high prairie cat creek summit anderson ranch dam long tom reservoir syrup creek mayfield se mayfield sw orchard christmas mountain coyote butte initial point walters butte wilson peak soldier cap piute butte rockville palisades peak thompson peak swan valley conant valley point lookout lone pine ridge ozone ammon idaho falls south woodville morgans pasture ne morgans pasture nw taber ne middle butte atomic city scoville big southern butte quaking aspen butte fingers butte the watchman inferno cone blizzard mountain south fish creek reservoir lake hills little wood river reservoir seamans creek bellevue richardson summit beaver creek cannonball mountain phillips creek smoky dome deer mountain sprout mountain pine house mountain cathedral rocks danskin peak the roost mayfield indian creek reservoir owyhee mora kuna melba givens hot springs opalene gulch jump creek canyon victor fourth of july peak stouts mountain wheaton mountain heise se poplar rigby se ucon idaho falls north shattuck butte butterfly butte kettle butte little butte little butte sw ryegrass flat north of scoville arco hills se butte city arco south nichols reservoir champagne creek blizzard mountain north trail creek muldoon baugh creek baugh creek sw hailey mahoney butte buttercup mountain dollarhide mountain sydney butte boardman creek jumbo mountain grouse butte featherville trinity mountain prairie long gulch grape mountain arrowrock dam lucky peak boise south cloverdale meridian nampa lake lowell marsing homedale graveyard point driggs bates garns mountain temple peak hawley gulch heise ririe rigby lewisville roberts kettle butte ne kettle butte nw little butte ne little butte nw north of ryegrass flat east of howe peak howe peak arco hills arco north appendicitis hill grouse miller peak smiley mountain star hope mine grays peak hyndman peak sun valley griffin butte boyle mountain baker peak paradise peak newman peak ross peak cayuse point rocky bar little trinity lake sheep creek twin springs arrowrock reservoir ne dunnigan creek robie creek boise north eagle star middleton caldwell notus wilder clawson tetonia packsaddle lake wright creek white owl butte moody rexburg menan buttes deer parks market lake mud lake se terreton antelope butte circular butte big lost river sinks little lost river sinks howe arco pass ramshorn canyon darlington big blind canyon shelly mountain copper basin knob big black dome standhope peak phi kappa mountain rock roll canyon amber lakes easley hot springs galena frenchman creek marshall peak atlanta east atlanta west phifer creek grand mountain barber flat rabbit creek summit idaho city warm springs point shafer butte cartwright canyon pearl southeast emmett southwest emmett sand hollow parma se parma mcrenolds reservoir lamont drummond linderman dam newdale saint anthony parker plano market lake ne hamer rays lake mud lake nw monteview circular butte nw richard butte tyler peak howe ne howe nw sunset peak methodist creek mackay mackay reservoir lehman butte porphyry peak harry canyon herd peak meridian peak ryan peak galena peak horton peak alturas lake snowyside peak mount everly nahneke mountain swanholm peak bear river big owl creek sunset mountain pioneerville placerville harris creek summit horseshoe bend montour northeast emmett northwest emmett letha new plymouth sheep falls porcupine lake warm river ashton lemon lake black knoll big grassy ridge se big grassy ridge dubois se camas cedar butte cedar butte sw lidy hot springs se snaky canyon scott butte eightmile canyon fallert springs badger creek hawley mountain warren mountain massacre mountain leatherman peak elkhorn creek chilly buttes jerry peak herd lake bowery peak bowery creek boulder chain lakes washington peak obsidian mount cramer warbonnet peak edaho mountain tyee mountain jackson peak lowman pine flat grimes pass garden valley banks dry buck valley webb creek squaw butte hog cove butte sheep ridge birding island payette warm river butte snake river butte lookout butte blue creek reservoir split butte split rock snowshoe butte dubois ne dubois lone butte small lidy hot springs shamrock gulch copper mountain blue dome diamond peak bell mountain mulkey bar red hills short creek burnt creek borah peak dickey peak horse basin the paint pot ziegler basin potaman peak livingston creek robinson bar casino lakes stanley stanley lake grandjean eightmile mountain miller mountain east miller mountain west scott creek lightning ridge pyle creek packer john mountain high valley ola coonrod gulch paddock valley reservoir holland gulch weiser cove weiser south buffalo lake big grassy hatchery butte last chance bishop mountain crystal butte pine butte idmon gardner lake spencer south thunder gulch indian creek rocky creek heart mountain scott peak italian canyon nicholia coal kiln canyon big windy peak moffett springs donkey creek spring hill doublespring grouse creek mountain antelope flat lone pine peak bald mountain clayton thompson creek sunbeam east basin creek basin butte elk meadow banner summit bull trout point cache creek whitehawk mountain deadwood reservoir boiling springs sixmile point smiths ferry sage hen reservoir dodson pass riley butte crane creek reservoir nutmeg flat mann creek se weiser north olds ferry buffalo lake ne latham spring island park island park dam icehouse creek sheridan reservoir antelope valley kilgore lookout point spencer north paul reservoir tepee draw edie creek fritz peak cottonwood creek gilmore summit gilmore iron creek point big creek peak donkey hills nw mahogany hill meadow peak little antelope flat bradbury flat bayhorse bayhorse lake elevenmile creek custer mount jordan knapp lakes langer peak cape horn lakes blue bunch mountain bear valley mountain bernard mountain wild buck peak bull creek hot springs skunk creek summit alpha tripod peak twin sisters granger butte hog creek butte midvale midvale hill mann creek nw olds ferry ne henley basin reas pass big springs sawtell peak slide mountain winslow creek big table mountain powderhorn gulch purcell spring sheephorn peak yellow peak patterson east of may may grouse peak challis pats creek twin peaks challis creek lakes sherman peak casto pinyon peak greyhound mountain soldier creek big soldier mountain honeymoon lake tyndall meadows rice peak oro mountain eagle nest cascade cold spring ridge king hill creek indian valley east of cambridge cambridge hopper creek sturgill peak monroe butte targhee peak reservoir creek leadore west of leadore stroud creek mogg mountain may mountain ennis gulch ellis gooseberry creek blowfly creek white goat mountain sheldon peak rock creek falconberry peak sliderock ridge little soldier mountain artillery dome chinook mountain pistol lake landmark warm lake gold fork rock sloans point donnelly lone tree council mountain council goodrich rush peak advent gulch neil gulch sturgill creek goat mountain lemhi hayden creek lem peak allison creek hat creek wards butte black mountain meyers cove point meyers cove sleeping deer mountain ramey hill norton ridge pungo mountain big baldy big chief creek chilcoot peak log mountain white rock peak blackmare paddy flat lake fork no business mountain cold spring summit fruitvale peck mountain crooked river point cuddy mountain agency creek tendoy poison peak goldbug ridge degan mountain taylor mountain opal lake duck creek point yellowjacket aparejo point bear creek point shellrock peak safety creek rainbow peak stibnite yellow pine caton lake teapot mountain fitsum peak fitsum summit mccall meadows new meadows tamarack weasel gulch rocky comfort flat goldstone mountain baker sal mountain williams lake lake mountain cobalt blackbird creek blackbird mountain hoodoo meadows puddin mountain dave lewis peak mormon mountain monument center mountain edwardsburg profile gap parks peak williams peak enos lake box lake granite lake brundage mountain bally mountain railroad saddle butterfield gulch cuprum bohannon spring east of salmon salmon leesburg jureano mountain gant mountain gant ridge mount mcguire aggipah mountain papoose peak vinegar hill acorn butte bismark mountain big creek wolf fang peak pilot peak pony meadows loon lake victor peak black tip hazard lake indian mountain pollock mountain purgatory saddle white monument badger spring gulch bird creek napoleon hill pine creek ridge pine creek rapids bighorn crags long tom mountain butts creek point cottonwood butte cold meadows wapiti creek lodgepole creek mosquito peak chicken peak burgdorf summit warren war eagle mountain burgdorf hershey point patrick butte pollock heavens gate he devil shewag lake north fork ulysses mountain ulysses shoup tincup hill horse creek butte square top waugh mountain devils teeth rapids arctic point meadow of doubt sheepeater mountain fivemile bar mackay bar cottontail point johnson butte carey dome kelly mountain riggins hot springs riggins kessler creek old timer mountain big hole pass gibbonsville allan mountain henderson ridge blue joint wood hump stripe mountain dennis mountain sheep hill hida point whitewater ranch dixie silver spur ridge buffalo hump marble butte hanover mountain florence john day mountain lucile kirkwood creek nez perce peak beaver jack mountain magruder mountain sabe mountain spread creek point boston mountain trapper creek moose butte orogrande north pole sourdough peak sawyer ridge dairy mountain mckinzie creek slate creek grave point burnt strip mountain spot mountain three prong mountain green mountain sable hill black hawk mountain elk city center star mountain golden huddleson bluff hungry ridge goodwin meadows white bird hill white bird joseph wolf creek mount paloma mount george gardiner peak wylies peak running lake vermilion peak anderson butte lick point iron mountain pilot knob corral hill harpster grangeville east grangeville west fenn moughmer point boles rattlesnake ridge wapshilla creek hunter peak twin butte dog creek moose ridge mink peak fog mountain selway falls stillman point goddard point lodge point big cedar stites nezperce se nezperce sw cottonwood keuterville westlake hoover point frye point limekiln rapids saddle mountain wahoo peak freeman peak shissler peak big rock mountain fenn mountain chimney peak coolwater mountain lowell syringa glenwood kooskia kamiah nezperce cottonwood ne craigmont winchester east winchester west waha captain john rapids blodgett mountain jeanette mountain cedar ridge hungry rock mcconnell mountain fish lake greenside butte huckleberry butte mclendon butte boundary peak musselshell brown creek ridge weippe south woodland sixmile creek mohler fletcher reubens culdesac south sweetwater lewiston orchards south white sand lake savage ridge grave peak tom beal peak bear mountain greystone butte holly creek liz butte weitas butte snowy summit hemlock butte pierce weippe north rudo orofino east orofino west peck gifford culdesac north lapwai lewiston orchards north ranger peak roundtop rocky point cayuse junction indian postoffice horseshoe lake lookout peak cook mountain lean-to point larch butte french mountain jaype whiskey butte grangemont dent ahsahka southwick lenore juliaetta green knob genesee granite pass rhodes peak toboggan ridge gorman hill scurvy mountain junction mountain pot mountain clarke mountain browns rock headquarters john lewis mountain little green mountain elk creek falls aldermand ridge park texas ridge little bear ridge troy moscow east moscow west bruin hill osier ridge moose mountain elizabeth lake the nub sheep mountain thompson point bertha hill township butte elk butte elk river mcgary butte bovill deary stanford moscow mountain robinson lake viola hoodoo pass chamberlain mountain bacon peak pole mountain mallard peak buzzard roost little goat mountains pinchot butte grice ridge anthony peak bechtel butte abes knob sand mountain harvard princeton potlatch sherlock peak red ives peak peggy peak bathtub mountain montana peak monumental buttes widow mountain grandmother mountain merry creek clarkia fernwood emida west dennis sanders mission mountain berge peak conrad peak thor mountain three sisters fishhook creek hoyt mountain marble mountain huckleberry mountain crystal peak santa lindstrom peak alder creek flats benewah tensed adair shefoot mountain avery mastodon mountain marble creek calder saint joe saint joe baldy saint maries benewah lake chatcolet plummer mullan wallace polaris peak masonia twin crags rochat peak medimont black lake harrison worley setters burke osburn kellogg east kellogg west cataldo rose lake lane mount coeur d'alene mica bay rockford bay mica peak murray prichard grizzly mountain steamboat creek bumblebee peak skitwish peak wolf lodge fernan lake coeur d'alene post falls taylor peak pond peak spyglass peak lamb peak cataract peak spades mountain hayden lake hayden rathdrum jordan creek cathedral peak faset peak lakeview bayview athol spirit lake east spirit lake west cabinet derr point packsaddle mountain minerva peak cocolalla careywood edgemere blanchard scotchman peak clark fork hope talache sagle morton laclede priest river benning mountain trestle peak trout peak oden bay sandpoint happy fork gap prater mountain quartz mountain smith mountain mount pend oreille wylie knob elmira colburn mount casey coolin outlet bay leonia clifty mountain twentymile creek naples dodge peak mount roothaan priest lake se priest lake sw curley creek moyie springs bonners ferry moravia roman nose the wigwams priest lake ne priest lake nw line point meadow creek ritz farnham peak pyramid peak smith peak caribou creek upper priest lake eastport hall mountain copeland smith falls shorty peak grass mountain continental mountain

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Page first created Wednesday, May 31, 2000
Page last modified Monday, September 11, 2000 11:23 PM