Here is my index and graphical interface to the USGS 7.5' DEM (Digital Elevation Model) files for the USA. In order to get one of these DEMs you have to know its name which is a pain to find if you want the DEM adjacent to one for which you have the name. I got tired of looking them up manually and since I could not find an imagemap based index to the USGS FTP archive where the models are I made one. The FTP server is slow and cranky so be patient and if you don't get through on first try, try again. Enjoy. |
![]() Click on a state to get a larger imagemap of the state from which to pick your 7.5' USGS DEM files. |
Go to another state: al, ar, az, ca, (ca:sfba), co, ct, dc, de, fl, ga, hi, ia, id, il, in, ks, ky, la, ma, md, me, mi, mo, ms, mt, nc, nd, ne, nh, nj, nm, nv, ny, oh, ok, or, pa, ri, sc, sd, tn, tx, ut, va, vt, wa, wi, wv, wy. |
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Page first created Monday, May 29, 2000
Page last modified Tuesday, May 22, 2001 8:52 PM