Index of USGS 7.5' New Mexico DEMs

image map of New Mexico

Click on a location within the state to pick your 7.5' USGS DEM files. Each 7.5' map quad is 10x10 pixels on this imagemap or select them from a list.

corner well dog mountains eagle mountain whitewater mountains whitewater creek lang canyon guadalupe pass campbell well pierce peak sentinel butte hilo peak san luis pass fitzpatricks black point guadalupe spring cabin wells sheridan canyon u bar ridge horse mountain center peak animas peak clanton draw skeleton canyon double wells hatchet ranch big hatchet peak walnut wells ne gillespie mountain animas peak ne mount baldy skull canyon strauss noria potrillo mount riley se guzmans lookout mountain camel mountain coyote hill columbus se columbus malpais hill hermanas victorio ranch se victorio ranch doyle peak hachita peak playas lake south whitmire pass tank mountain indian peak rodeo la union lanark kilbourne hole mount riley potrillo peak p o l ranch mesquite lake columbus ne north peak west lime hills hermanas nw flying w mountain hat top mountain hachita playas peak playas lake north beacon hill animas antelope pass jal javelina basin andrews place paduca breaks east paduca breaks west phantom banks ross ranch red bluff cottonwood hills jumping spring rattlesnake spring grapevine draw gunsight canyon el paso gap panther canyon cienega school culp draw shiloh hills se mcveigh hills cornudas mountain alamo mountain bassett lake mountain tank desert se desert sw newman newman sw anthony la mesa little black mountain afton aden crater mount aden sw x-7 ranch sibley hole gym peak south peak midway butte bisbee hills gage se gage sw the saltys brockman coyote peak south pyramid peak table top mountain cotton city san simon cienega jal nw custer mountain woodley flat bell lake paduca breaks nw big sinks pierce canyon malaga bond draw black river village carlsbad caverns serpentine bends queen pickett hill la paloma canyon sheep draw lewis canyon van winkle lake shiloh hills alamo mountain ne b t ranch owl tank canyon east owl tank canyon west desert ne desert newman ne newman nw bishop cap san miguel black mesa afton nw aden hills mount aden cambray akela florida gap capitol dome bowlin ranch red mountain gage gage nw separ ne separ muir ranch pyramid peak swallow fork peak steins rattlesnake canyon east lake san simon sink tip top wells bootleg ridge los medanos remuda basin loving otis kitchen cove carnero peak bandanna point red bluff draw ares peak algerita canyon gowdy ranch hackberry hill cornucopia ranch se cleones tank stockard well stone well otero mesa south mack tanks orogrande south elwood white sands se davies tank organ peak tortugas mountain las cruces picacho mountain sleeping lady hills magdalena gap lazy e ranch myndus carne deming east deming west williams ranch grandmother mountain east grandmother mountain west soldiers farewell hill ninetysix ranch lisbon lordsburg gary mondel eunice oil center san simon ranch grama ridge the divide livingston ridge tower hill south indian flats carlsbad east carlsbad west azotea peak martha creek cawley draw texas hill packsaddle canyon panama ranch tanner ranch cornucopia ranch indian draw sixteen canyon el paso draw otero mesa north wilde tank orogrande north elephant mountain white sands ne white sands organ organ peak nw dona ana leasburg rough and ready hills magdalena peak good sight peak ne good sight peak florida massacre peak goat ridge spalding antelope hill cow springs mountain werney hill c bar ranch gold hill culberson ranch ninemile hill summit engine mountain hobbs sw monument south monument sw lea laguna gatuna williams sink tower hill north illinois camp se angel draw lake mcmillan south seven rivers foster ranch box canyon ranch strychnine draw south taylor tank bullis spring ranch pinon ranch cornucopia canyon pinon surveyors canyon el paso canyon culp canyon pipeline canyon tres hermanos se tres hermanos sw lake lucero se bennett mountain bear peak taylor well summerford mountain selden canyon sierra alta souse springs hockett nutt greg hills ok canyon dwyer se taylor mountain faywood station whitewater white signal burro peak eagle eye peak willow draw caprock mountain rock tank draw hobbs east hobbs west monument north ironhouse draw ironhouse well laguna gatuna nw greenwood lake hackberry lake illinois camp ne illinois camp lake mcmillan north dayton parish ranch antelope sink holt tank encino draw lewis peak ne lewis peak chimney lake avis bear spring rogers ruins bug scuffle canyon deadman canyon tres hermanos foster lake lake lucero ne lake lucero san andres peak goldenburg draw selden canyon ne thorn well rincon hatch arroyo cuervo jug canyon lake valley whiterock mountain dwyer whitehorse mountain hurley east hurley west tyrone wind mountain bullard peak redrock nichols canyon canador peak humble city lovington se lovington sw buckeye dog lake maljamar loco hills red lake se red lake spring lake artesia hope se hope sixteenmile draw east sixteenmile draw west meadow hill dunken robertson canyon woodson canyon sacramento bluff springs sacramento peak alamogordo south holloman garton lake heart of the sands heart of the sands sw gardner peak fleck draw gilmore draw upham hills alivio mcleod tank garfield clark spring canyon mcclede mountain p a mountain maverick mountain san lorenzo santa rita mine fort bayard silver city circle mesa mangas springs brushy mountain walker canyon steeple rock goat camp spring humble city nw lovington lovington nw buckeye ne buckeye nw maljamar ne henshaw tank basin well diamond mound artesia ne espuela hope ne hope nw sagebrush valley east sagebrush valley west singer lake thimble canyon elk mayhill harvey ranch cloudcroft high rolls alamogordo north malone draw lost river heart of the sands ne heart of the sands nw hembrillo canyon hembrillo basin prisor well prisor hill upham apache gap caballo skute stone arroyo hillsboro kingston hillsboro peak hendricks peak allie canyon twin sisters reading mountain dorsey ranch cliff antelope ridge applegate mountain crookson peak tillie hall peak prairieview hillburn city hillburn city sw fort ranch dean ranch cedar point se cedar point king camp derrick draw hagerman hagerman sw hackberry ranch kincaid ranch indian bluff dark canyon flying h loco canyon clements ranch turkey peak elk-silver firman canyon domingo peak sabinata flat tularosa tularosa peak fifteenmile lake lumley lake strawberry peak sulphur pass dugout canyon polecat tank cutter palomas gap williamsburg saladone tank bell mountain apache peak victorio park hay mesa north star mesa copperas peak granny mountain canyon hill canteen canyon buckhorn bear mountain mule creek prairieview ne prairieview nw tatum south alston ranch frier ranch cooper-good ranch caudill ranch vest camp connor well bar c bar ranch dexter east dexter west peters lake juan lake lucky lake skunk canyon flying h ne flying h nw deadman lake pajarita mountain whitetail apache summit mescalero cat mountain tularosa ne bitter creek lumley lake ne lumley lake nw tip top canyon hardscrabble mountains shannon canyon shannon canyon nw engle elephant butte cuchillo williamsburg nw thumb tank peak sugarloaf peak reeds peak bonner canyon middle mesa gila hot springs little turkey park diablo range shelley peak rice ranch moon ranch wilson mountain harden cienega gladiola tatum north simanola valley dallas store soldier hill mescalero point culp ranch malstrom ranch wade ranch bottomless lakes south spring roswell south hondo reservoir diamond a ranch horseshoe bend sunset tinnie wahalee canyon sheeppen canyon ruidoso downs ruidoso sierra blanca peak golondrina draw three rivers three rivers sw capitol peak se sheep mountain salinas peak big gyp mountain fence canyon fairview well crocker black bluffs huerfano hill priest tank chise winston lookout mountain baily points wall lake burnt corral canyon woodland park lilley mountain mogollon baldy peak grouse mountain holt mountain glenwood bronco ne walking cane ranch ranger lake johnson ranch lane salt lake caprock mescalero point ne oasis sardine mountain l e ranch comanche spring bitter lake roswell north corn ranch blackwater hill horseshoe bend nw nelson canyon east nelson canyon west san patricio lincoln fort stanton angus nogal peak godfrey peak oscura three rivers nw mound springs capitol peak fairview mountain salinas peak nw fuller ranch tucson spring lava romero canyon sierra fijardo monticello jaralosa mountain iron mountain sawmill peak taylor peak spring canyon black mountain canyon creek mountains loco mountain negrito mountain bearwallow mountain mogollon alma bledsoe sw crossroads milnesand sw flying m ranch button mesa south curlew lake se presler lake sardine lake campbell acme melena panther hill barn draw white flat se elsie canyon granville canyon arabela capitan peak capitan pass capitan nogal church mountain cub mountain bull gap bull gap sw mockingbird gap se mockingbird gap foster well blakemore well harriet ranch pope paraje well black hill steel hill vicks peak montoya butte wahoo ranch wahoo peak indian peaks east indian peaks west o bar o canyon east o bar o canyon west pitchfork canyon telephone canyon sign camp mountain o block canyon saliz pass bluit milnesand milnesand nw button mesa ne button mesa north lone wolf curlew lake elkins haystack mountain eightmile draw coyote draw marley draw rock house canyon deep well white flat arroyo serrano east arroyo serrano west kyle harrison canyon encinoso jacob spring white oaks south carrizozo east carrizozo west wagon canyon red canyon oscura peak trinity site greens baber well granjean well little san pascual mountain san marcial fort craig hickman ranch san juan peak blue mountain welty hill dusty paddys hole mojonera canyon pelona mountain rail canyon salvation peak collins park eagle peak milligan mountain reserve bull basin lingo garrison pep dora sw elida se schram lake kenna kenna sw denton camp haystack butte cottonwood draw shannon draw mesa se mesa sw round mountain se north lake cistern draw huff hill pedernal arroyo box lake jicarilla peak white oaks north lone mountain little black peak broken back crater pink peak garden spring canyon wrye peak sw cerro de la campana se cerro de la campana san antonio se indian well wilderness cienega ranch puertecito gap tenmile hill grassy lookout bay buck peaks oak peak luera mountains east luera mountains west shaw mountain fullerton rael spring john kerr peak squirrel springs canyon cruzville dillon mountain luna causey east causey west dora dora nw badger lake elida san juan mesa east san juan mesa west olive hernandez lake deering place swallow nest canyon dunlap sill mesa round mountain chivata canyon juan largo canyon east juan largo canyon west golondrina well hasperos camp chupadero mountain ancho little black peak ne dulce draw lovelace mesa cooper canyon wrye peak wrye peak nw prairie spring canon agua buena san antonio luis lopez molino peak south baldy squaw peak mount withington monica saddle kellog well c-n lake luera mountains nw horse mountain east horse mountain west bell peak tularosa canyon aragon queens head centerfire bog underwood lake arch portales se delphos floyd se lewiston lake gammil well se rippee ranch howell ranch cooley lake la espia peak lovelady draw dunlap devils well wire lake ramon sw cowboy mesa cowboy mesa sw red bluff draw east red bluff draw west pelon hill tecolote peak claunch se polecat draw cat mesa turkey ridge sw wilson ranch orndorff ranch sierra larga south bustos well loma de las canas socorro water canyon magdalena arroyo landavaso tres montosas arrowhead well augustine well anderson peak sugarloaf mountain log canyon wallace mesa mangas mountain slaughter mesa gallo mountains east gallo mountains west black peak jones canyon arch ne arch nw portales bethel floyd upton gammil well ne gammil well watts hill eighteenmile hill conejo creek east conejo creek west dunlap ne the old dry lake wright ranch ramon cowboy mesa ne cowboy mesa nw gallo spring canyon ne gallo spring canyon corona south rough mountain pajaro canyon claunch turkey ridge ne turkey ridge chupadera spring bishop ranch sierra larga north sierra de la cruz mesa del yeso lemitar san lorenzo spring granite mountain silver hill gallinas peak lion mountain lion mountain nw datil crosby springs cox peak alegres mountain mangas escondido mountains largo mesa pondersoa tank red hill cow springs nelson reservoir ne pleasure lake midway oasis state park portair sw melrose se tule lake tolar se tolar sw lomas gatos bonner lake alamo ranch west camp horney ranch el morro mesa yeso mesa se loco draw gacho hill se gacho hill sw camaleon draw east camaleon draw west corona north cedarvale progresso se progresso sw gran quivira bigbee draw chupadera rayo hills cerro montoso becker sw la joya san acacia silver creek carbon springs mesa cencerro indian spring canyon indian mesa dog springs cal ship mesa madre mountain red flats pie town omega quemado armstrong canyon tejana mesa sw blaines lake goat spring clovis portair saint vrain melrose east melrose west krider tolar taiban fort sumner east fort sumner west ricardo yeso yeso nw yeso mesa duoro gacho hill gacho hill nw duran ne duran cedarvale ne pino mountain progresso ne progresso round top mesa draw abo scholle becker black butte abeytas la joya nw ladron peak riley la jara peak puertecito table mountain d cross mountain pasture canyon third canyon tres lagunas blue hills adams diggings mariano springs tejana mesa lake armijo zuni salt lake salazar canyon pleasant hill ned houk park garrett ranch hammond ranch sw field se field sw house se peach canyon candy mesa twin mesa windmill draw sumner dam cooper ranch borica sw el morro ranch se el morro ranch long draw vaughn tejon dunlap ranch negra se negra sw rattlesnake hill laguna del perro south willard mountainair punta de agua manzano peak tome se casa colorada veguita belen sw comanche ranch mesa sarca puerto de los cavadores field ranch pueblo viejo mesa wiley mesa wild horse canyon bonine canyon york ranch se trail lake veteado mountain techado cerro prieto fence lake sw moreno hill twentytwo spring pleasant hill ne pleasant hill nw smith ranch hammond ranch field weber city mcalister house hassell twin mesa nw colorado canyon gibbons ranch ojo negro creek borica laguna de los terreros el morro ranch nw burro lake mesa leon santa barbara lake encino negra pedernal lucy laguna del perro north mountainair ne ewing torreon capilla peak tome ne tome belen belen nw mesas mojinas mesa gallina chicken mountain cerro del oro broom mountain mecate meadow cebollita peak sand canyon york ranch la rendija cerro pomo chimney hill the dyke fence lake rincon hondo cantaralo spring bellview broadview grady grady sw forrest ragland jordan cunavea basin ima se ima sw canada colorado fallon ranch puerto de luna puerto creek pastura se pastura tapia ranch george ranch pinavete canyon santo nino canyon north lucy pedernal mountain lobo hill se lobo hill sw estancia milbourn ranch tajique bosque peak los lunas se los lunas dalies rio puerco south garcia se white ridge cerro verde marmon ranch east mesa blue mesa laguna honda north pasture ice caves se cerro brillante cerro alto red lake mission shoemaker canyon se mesita de yeso atarque lake venadito camp endee hill day canyon wheatland apache canyon norton mesa redonda quay circle s mesa ima ima nw salt lake harben lake sunshine mesa santa rosa pastura ne san ignacio pintada milagro milagro spring palma waller ranch rock lake lobo hill ne lobo hill moriarty south chilili escabosa mount washington hubbell spring isleta wind mesa dalies nw south garcia correo dough mountain south butte acoma pueblo crow point los pilares arrosa ranch ice caves cerro hueco goat hill nicoll lake shoemaker canyon upper galestina canyon plumasano basin ojo caliente reservoir riley camp san jon bedford hill tucumcari se bulldog mesa briscoe ranch quemado hills montoya gate canyon newkirk cuervo sacaton draw catfish falls colonias mesita de guadalupe thompson ranch mesa palo amarillo potrillo hill jacinto mesa el cabo clines corners el cuervo butte longhorn reservoir moriarty north edgewood sedillo tijeras albuquerque east albuquerque west la mesita negra se la mesita negra canoncito school mesa gigante mesita laguna cubero mccartys grants se san rafael paxton springs valle largo el morro togeye lake pescado horsehead canyon zuni tekapo glenrio bard porter san jon nw lesbia tucumcari liberty mesa cow canyon muniz canyon ortega tank neafus ranch mesita del gato mesa cherisco bar y ranch horse pasture tank pedro miguel peak dilia anton chico san juan aurora leyba mesa el toro white lakes stanley king draw san pedro sandia park sandia crest alameda los griegos the volcanoes benavidez ranch herrera arch mesa moquino seboyeta mount taylor lobo springs grants milan mount sedgwick post office flat kettner canyon ramah burned timber canyon horsehead canyon nw vanderwagen draw chi chil tah martin draw blue hole tuscocoillo canyon logan south hudson bascom camp trinchera creek carpenter mesa sw monument point tenaja mesa bookout ranch la silla mesa pino cabra hill cactus tank chaperito mesa chupinas apache springs villanueva sena laguna ortiz rencona wildhorse mesa ojo hedionda captain davis mountain golden hagan placitas bernalillo loma machete arroyo de las calabacillas san felipe mesa puerco dam la gotera marquez laguna canoneros cerro pelon san mateo dos lomas bluewater prewitt pine canyon cottonwood canyon page upper nutria pinehaven vanderwagen jones ranch school cammak camp logan ne logan north montesito creek hampton ranch medina mesa carpenter mesa nw la cinta mesa conchas dam four v ranch variadero cerro de corazon punta del chorro flagstone mountain mesa lauriano la liendre los montoyas tecolote san jose north san ysidro rowe bull canyon galisteo picture rock madrid san felipe pueblo ne san felipe pueblo santa ana pueblo bernalillo nw cerro conejo collier draw casa salazar cerro tinaja laguna seca el dado mesa cerro alesna san lucas dam ambrosia lake goat mountain thoreau ne thoreau continental divide ciniza fort wingate bread springs twin buttes manuelito surrender canyon nara visa obar lockney mccarty ranch fuentes ranch gallegos alamosa canyon campana bell ranch minese mesa wade canyon san ramon canon olguin trujillo laguna huerfana laguna la monia las vegas se las vegas ojitos frios san geronimo lower colonias pecos glorieta seton village turquoise hill tetilla peak santo domingo pueblo santo domingo pueblo sw loma creston jemez pueblo san ysidro ojito spring cabezon peak guadalupe cerro parido mesa cortada el dado piedra de la aguila mesa de los toros borrego pass casamero lake hosta butte mariano lake pinedale church rock gallup east gallup west samson lake doyle hill kerlin hill cherokee valley mccloy ranch gallegos ne buffalo springs salitre canyon chinaberry canyon waggoner ranch montoya point arroyo alamocito sabinoso maes llonidas lake canon pedroso goetsch lake onava las vegas nw montezuma el porvenir honey boy ranch rosilla peak mcclure reservoir santa fe agua fria montoso peak cochiti dam canada bear springs peak ponderosa gilman holy ghost spring san luis arroyo empedrado canada calladita mesita del gavilan mesita americana hospah orphan annie rock laguna castillo heart rock crownpoint dalton pass oak spring hard ground flats big rock hill twin lakes tse bonita school amistad se centerville corner ione rosebud indian bathtub circle bar ranch arroyo del alamo mosquero solano la cinta canyon canon encierro alamito canon ancho frutosa lake cherry valley lake watrous loma parda lake isabel sapello rociada elk mountain cowles aspen basin tesuque horcado ranch white rock frijoles bland redondo peak jemez springs san miguel mountain la ventana headcut reservoir wolf stand tinian rincon marquez whitehorse rincon whitehorse seven lakes se seven lakes becenti lake antelope lookout mesa standing rock toyee coyote canyon chuska lake tohatchi crevasse canyon koger ranch amistad hayden cottonwood springs bueyeros ne bueyeros albert sabino kansas valley lake roy beaver canyon canon las cuevas alamosa creek mogote hills optimo maxson crater fort union rainsville mora gascon pecos falls truchas peak sierra mosca cundiyo espanola puye guaje mountain valle toledo valle san antonio seven springs rancho del chaparral san pablo mesa portales johnson trading post ojo encino mesa star lake pueblo alto trading post pueblo pintado seven lakes ne seven lakes nw nose rock milk lake red lake well standing rock nw ear rock coyote canyon nw chuska peak todilto park sedan se stead skull mesa pedernal creek minnie butte beenham sw yates se valencia spring kansas valley mills east mills west canon colorado alto de hormiga wagon mound la chata crater cerro negro ojo feliz lucero comanche peak holman jicarita peak el valle truchas chimayo san juan pueblo chili vallecitos polvadera peak cerro del grant jarosa nacimiento peak cuba arroyo chijuillita taylor ranch deer mesa mule dam lybrook se fire rock well sargent ranch pueblo bonito kin klizhin ruins la vida mission west of la vida mission east of grey hill spring grey hill spring naschitti narbona pass crystal sedan ne sedan clapham car top butte garcia creek beenham aragon hill yates divine lake spear hills abbott lake jaritas ranch stony lake colmor charette lake mora ranch ocate guadalupita chacon cerro vista tres ritos penasco trampas velarde lyden medanales abiquiu canones youngsville arroyo del agua gallina regina five lakes canyon ne five lakes canyon nw tancosa windmill counselor lybrook lybrook nw kimbeto pueblo bonito nw pretty rock tanner lake hunter wash east of great bend great bend sheep springs two grey hills toadlena clayton sw sand hill tate school goat canyon pennington romero spring gladstone farley ingram lake abbott taylor springs springer pinon hills miami rayado white peak agua fria peak osha mountain shady brook ranchos de taos taos sw carson taos junction ojo caliente el rito canjilon se ghost ranch echo amphitheater laguna peak french mesa laguna gurule lindrith billy rice canyon otero store tafoya canyon crow mesa east crow mesa west blanco trading post huerfano trading post sw alamo mesa east alamo mesa west bisti trading post burnham trading post newcomb se newcomb tsin-nas-kid old pine spring clayton royce black canyon snyder lake tripod mountain sofia gladstone nw lawrence arroyo point of rocks mesa sauble circle dot ranch abbott nw french springer lake miami ne coyote mesa tooth of time garcia peak palo flechado pass pueblo peak taos los cordovas tres orejas servilleta plaza la madera valle grande peak mogote peak canjilon alire navajo peak llaves canada ojitos ojito schmitz ranch lapis point gonzales mesa smouse mesa thompson mesa huerfano trading post huerfano trading post nw carson trading post moncisco wash the pillar the pillar nw newcomb ne little water sanostee east sanostee west rardin hill rabbit ear mountain bible top butte mount dora grenville grenville sw cow mountain malpie mountain palo blanco mountain pine buttes tres hermanos peak loco arroyo maxwell colfax cimarron se cimarron ute park touch-me-not mountain eagle nest wheeler peak arroyo seco arroyo hondo cerro de los taoses petaca peak las tablas canon plaza canjilon mountain cebolla las nutrias el vado pounds mesa los indios canyon leavry canyon pine lake vigas canyon santos peak gould pass fresno canyon huerfanito peak east fork kutz canyon gallegos trading post hugh lake kirtland se kirtland sw the hogback south table mesa yellow hill mitten rock moses seneca mclaughlin bridge boiler gap blind gap wetherly lake little grande capulin kiowa mesa larga tinaja mountain eagle tail mountain koehler saltpeter mountain dawson house canyon abreu canyon baldy mountain red river pass red river questa guadalupe mountain tres piedras ne tres piedras mule canyon burned mountain east gavilan canyon penasco amarillo tierra amarilla heron reservoir apache mesa cedar canyon cement lake leandro canyon gobernador fourmile canyon delgadita mesa cutter canyon blanco bloomfield horn canyon farmington south kirtland fruitland the hogback north sulphur spring ship rock sand spring greendailey canyon atencio cuates school guy fiddler springs cross l ranch sw des moines folsom robinson peak johnson park hunter mesa clifton house red river peak curtis camp caliente canyon south casa grande sw van bremmer park ash mountain comanche point latir peak cerro sunshine cerro de la olla la segita peaks san antonio mountain broke off mountain lagunitas creek brazos peak brazos sawmill mesa horse lake cordova canyon john mills lake bixler ranch espinosa ranch gomez ranch navajo dam archuleta turley aztec flora vista farmington north youngs lake waterflow chimney rock shiprock rattlesnake rocky point beclabito goodson school wedding cake butte tub spring travesser park cobert mesa south cross l ranch emery peak alps mesa trinchera pass dale mountain yankee raton tin pan canyon mcwilliams canyon caliente canyon north casa grande vermejo park the wall big costilla peak amalia costilla ute mountain la segita peaks ne pinabetoso peaks los pinos bighorn peak toltec mesa west fork rio brazos chama chromo mountain monero dulce wirt canyon carracas canyon bancos mesa bancos mesa nw burnt mesa anastacio spring mount nebo cedar hill adobe downs ranch la plata purgatory canyon heifer point palmer mesa skinney rock canal creek sallies spring

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Page first created Wednesday, May 31, 2000
Page last modified Monday, September 11, 2000 11:26 PM