Dave's Map Getter

On this page I am assembling a collection of mapping and terrain modeling tools. This is an ongoing effort and I'm just getting started so come back later if it isn't developed enough for you now.

Get Maps

Get a map from the TIGER Server

Get a map by location

map of location with the following specifications:
Map center Longitude: and Latitude: in decimal degrees
Map size Map Width: and Map Height: in decimal degrees
Image size Image Width: and Image Height: in pixels.
Marker data set
Grid (lat/lon)
Water bodies
State Bounds
Indian Resv.
City labels
Zipcode points
Parks and Other
Interstate labels
US Hwy labels
St Hwy labels
Note: Due to the way the server clobbers its input you must be sure to uncheck the layer's opposite option.
Get a legend instead of a map on off Get a legend
Place additional marker on map
Longitude (deg):
Latitude (deg):
Thematic Level The Thematic Level selects a geography level for drawing thematic statistical maps.
Thematic Variable Thematic variable selects a statistical variable to use in thematic maps.
Thematic Method Thematic method selects the classification method to use in thematic maps

These classes are calculated over the entire country, not just the map area. Quintiles (5 classes of equal size) tend to provide better contrast between values around the average, while Equal Interval (5 classes with an even range of values) tends to emphasize the extremes.


Get a map by state

state map of
Marker data set
Grid (lat/lon)
Water bodies
State Bounds
Indian Resv.
City labels
Zipcode points
Parks and Other
Interstate labels
US Hwy labels
St Hwy labels
Note: Due to the way the server clobbers its input you must be sure to uncheck the layer's opposite option.
Get a legend instead of a map onoff Get a legend
Place additional marker on map
Longitude (deg):
Latitude (deg):
Thematic Level The Thematic Level selects a geography level for drawing thematic statistical maps.
Thematic Variable Thematic variable selects a statistical variable to use in thematic maps.
Thematic Method Thematic method selects the classification method to use in thematic maps

These classes are calculated over the entire country, not just the map area. Quintiles (5 classes of equal size) tend to provide better contrast between values around the average, while Equal Interval (5 classes with an even range of values) tends to emphasize the extremes.

Get a topographic map from Topozone

Center latitude and longitude in decimal degrees
Map size small, medium, or large.
Map scale 1:25k, 1:50k, 1:100k, or 1:200k.

Get a map from MapBlast

Map [latitude:longitude:scale]
Marker [latitude:longitude:type]
Image width and height in pixels.

Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Data Sets and Information

Dave's Index of USGS 7.5' DEM Data Sets from USGS via FTP

I made an imagemap index of the USGS 7.5' DEM archive so that the DEMs can be found by map location instead of only by name. The imagemaps are also linked to listings of DEMs by coordinate order just in case you wish to yse a text only interface (silly in this case).

Other DEM Data Sets from USGS via FTP

There are other scale DEMs as well as the 7.5' ones and pointers to where they may be found together with brief specifications can be found on my DEM Data Sets & Information page.

DEMs from the USGS EROS Data Center

The USGS EROS Data Center's GTOPO30 is a global digital elevation model (DEM) with a horizontal grid spacing of 30 arc seconds (approximately 1 kilometer). Here is an image map interface to the GTOPO30.

DEMs from the National Imagry and Mapping Agency (NIMA)

NIMA has an imagemap interface to their publicly available Digital Terrain Elevation Data (DTED®) Level 0 30 Arc Second Terrain Data of much of Earth's surface.

Find places

Search US Census Gazetteer for a U.S. city or town

By Name: and State:
Or by Zip Code:

Query the USGS GNIS Server

Feature Name:
Query Variant Name Also? Yes No
State or Territory:
County Name:
Feature Type:
Elevation Range (feet): to
7.5' Topo Map Name:
Population Range: to
Does your Browser support Tables? Yes No

Other useful links from this page

"In Town" map providers

Other useful mapping resources

The Database Query & Map Generation: Online Resources and Examples page is a really good collection of pointers to mapping and web resources.

Quick links

Return to Mapping page or go up to DavidWoolsey.com.

Page first created Monday, April 24, 2000
Page last modified Monday, September 30, 2002 3:47 PM