These photos were taken using an Apple QuickTake 200 camera. The poor quality is a good indication why Apple is no longer in the camera biz. The camera was very cheap though.
While I was on the road I sent back memory cards (about one each week) as I used them so they could be posted on the (non-frames) pages during my trip. The photos were placed on the web site by my friend Pat (without description until I was home). Thanx Pat.
After I returned home I put together a sort of travelogue of the trip with "color corrected" (well, I did what I could with the material at hand...) versions of the photos on these pages. The travelogue pages have a bit more contextual description of the photos on them.
Four pre-trip photos of me, the bike,
and all the junk I'm hauling along on this trip. (pages with or without
Photos from the first week. Updated
July 17th. These include a few shots near the Sonora pass (CA), Goodale Creek
(CA), Hoover Dam (NV), Meteor Crater (AZ), and the Pima Air and Space Museum
(AZ). (pages with or without frames)
Photos from the second week include
Bisbee (AZ), White Sands Missile Museum (NM), Bingham (NM), The National Atomic
Museum (NM), Refineries (TX, LA), New Orleans (LA), and the Airforce Armament
Museum (FL). (pages with or without frames)
In the photos from the third week
there are a couple more shots from the Airforce Armament Museum (FL), and some
from Manatee Springs (FL), Daytona Beach (FL), some highway lightning (GA),
Falling Springs (VA), Douthat (VA), Covington (VA), and quite a lot from the
Airforce Museum in Dayton (OH). (pages with or
without frames)
The photos from the fourth week have
many more from the Airforce Museum in Dayton (OH), a couple from the Wright
Brothers Monument (OH), Mackinaw Bridge (MI), and the Iron Mountain Iron Mine
(MI). (pages with or without frames)
Photos from the fifth week have Wall
Drug (SD), the South Dakota Air and Space Museum (SD), Sturgis motorcycle rally
(SD), Big Horn Mountains (WY), setting sun in Wyoming (WY), Ten Sleep Canyon
(WY), Buffalo Bill Cody Dam (WY), and Yellowstone Park (WY). (pages with or without
Photos from the sixth week are of
Atomic City (ID), Experimental Breeder Reactor No. 1 (EBR-1) National Historic
Site (ID), Craters of the Moon National Monument (ID), Crater Lake National Park
(OR), the Oregon Vortex (OR), and the Crescent City Light House (CA). (pages with or without
Note: Not Newton friendly.
New page design created Wednesday, December 22, 1999
Page last modified Thursday, May 17, 2001 1:35 AM