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ASMRB House Rules

Version 1.5
January 9, 2000

3.0 Encumbrance

Use the following chart to determine encumbrance penalties to 'agility' skills (mostly DEX-based skills). Entries are given in kilograms, showing the maximum load for the listed encumbrance penalty:


The chart is constructed based on a 3.125 x 2(STR-10)/10 curve, and may be expanded indefinitely; note that a 10 point increase in STR moves the listed figures up 1 row. In figuring carried load, the mass of worn clothing, and ordinary load bearing equipment (belts, backpacks, ammo pouches, holsters, etc.) may be ignored.

Modifiers to the Defensive Combat Value (DCV) are figured by dividing the normal maximum carrying capacity (in kilograms) of the character by the 'best' usual DCV: typically, DCV from Dexterity and any skill levels which can be applied.

CCAP, kg50761001151321521742002302643033484006068001212

Example: Lady Paulonia Kindoren, with a STR of 13 and a 'best' DCV of 9, bearing a load of 25 kg, has a penalty of -3 to all DEX-based skills. Her DCV is reduced by 1.

3.1 Size for Concealment Purposes

When hiding weapons, etc. on characters, use the following chart to notate weapon size:

length, cm10-1314-1516-1718-1920-2425-3031-40+10 cm

This assumes typical revolvers, automatic pistols, pump shotguns, etc. For weapons which (if carried loaded) have a protruding magazine or feed system, add 1 to the size from the above chart. Some fudging upwards is appropriate for weapons and items with other bulky, hard to conceal shapes.

Example: the M14 rifle is 112 cm long; with a 20 round magazine loaded, it has a size of 15.

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Document last modified Friday, June 01, 2001