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ASMRB House Rules

Version 1.5
January 9, 2000

11.0 Multiple Projectile Attacks

Weapons such as shotguns, canister shot, etc., which produce a conical pattern require special rules to describe their effect. After finding the damage characteristics of an individual projectile (DC, Pc, Speed Class, and Stun Mod), use the following formula to determine the number of hits in the first Damage Range (DMG RNG):

number of hit groups = log2(N) + 1

N = number of projectiles

The Damage Range must be derived from the reported or observed performance of the weapon. In general, the length of the first Damage Range is the distance at which the shot group has spread to a 0.5 meter wide pattern. The effect of range on these weapons is summarized as follows:

up to 1 x damage rangeas at muzzlesingle location
up to 2 x damage range-1 groupseparate locations
up to 3 x damage range-2 groupsseparate locations
up to 4 x damage range-2 groupsseparate locations, attack all targets in a hex
up to 6 x damage range-3 groupsseparate locations, attack all targets in 1.5 hexes
up to 8 x damage range-4 groupsseparate locations, attack all targets in 2 hexes
up to 12 x damage range-5 groupsseparate locations, attack all targets in 3 hexes
up to 16 x damage range-6 groupsseparate locations, attack all targets in 4 hexes
up to 24 x damage range-7 groupsseparate locations, attack all targets in 6 hexes

When attacking 'all targets within a hex' (or hexes), the hex DCV of 3 should be engaged to hit each target; the individual targets within the hex (or hexes) may add the DCV bonuses from Dodge, Martial Dodge, DCV Minimum from Velocity, and Cover to the hex DCV for purposes of avoiding attacks. When firing at human sized targets using 'attack all targets in a hex' (or hexes) rules, subtract -1 from OCV if only 2 damage groups are remaining, and -2 OCV if only 1 damage group is remaining.

Example: Cherry Blossom, Biker Bob's little elf buddy, fires a 12 gauge shotgun (4 damage groups at muzzle) at several dodging gentlemen partially visible behind a car in a hex in the fourth damage range (thus subtracting 2 groups). The referee rules the car adds +2 DCV to the gentlemen. He has an OCV of 6 at that range, -1 due to only 2 groups being left at that range; the gentlemen will have DCVs of 8 (3 for hex engagement, +2 for Cover, +3 for normal Dodge). Thus Cherry must roll an 8- to hit on each gentleman.

Following the 'group hits stun modifier' rule, each group above 1 adds +1 to the Stun Modifier.

Example: the CAW tungsten buckshot round contains 8 projectiles, each 7 mm diameter and 3.63 grams mass. The muzzle velocity from a 27" barrel is 564 meters per second. An individual pellet is thus a 1d6+1K attack, Piercing 7, Speed Class 2, and -1 Stun Modifier. At the muzzle, 4 'group' hits will be taken, each of which will do 1d6+1K damage, with the same Speed Class of 2 and Piercing of 7, but a +2 Stun Modifier.

This round produces a man high pattern (2 meters high) at 150 meters, according to published reports. This gives a damage range of 18 hexes (1/4 of 150 meters = 37.5 meters ~ 18"). In the first range gate, out to 18 hexes, the CAW buckshot round would hit with 4 groups, with a +2 Stun Modifier; in the next range gate, 19 to 36 hexes, 3 groups would hit, with a +1 Stun Modifier; in the next, 37 to 54 hexes, a Stun Modifier of Ø for 2 groups; in the next range gate, 55 to 72 hexes, still 2 groups with a Stun Modifier of Ø, but attacking an entire hex with -1 OCV; and in the final gate, 73 to 108 hexes, a single group with a -1 Stun Modifier, and a -2 OCV, engaging each target in one and a half hexes (3 meters wide).

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Document last modified Friday, June 01, 2001